Fixed-Income Investments
Discover how fixed-income investments, including bonds and CDs, can provide stability and income to your investment portfolio.
Municipal Bonds: Investing While Supporting Local Projects
Learn about the benefits of investing in municipal bonds, including tax-exempt interest, stable interest rates, diversification, and support for local projects. Find out how to choose the right municipal bond based on credit rating, interest rate, duration, and tax-exempt status.
The Risks of Investing in Foreign Bonds: A Closer Look
Learn about the risks of investing in foreign bonds and how to mitigate them with strategies like currency hedging, investing in bonds with a strong economic and political track record, and diversifying your portfolio with short-duration and floating interest rate bonds.
An Introduction to Bond Funds: Benefits and Considerations
Learn about the benefits and considerations of bond funds, including diversification, income, tax-efficiency, and professional management. Understand the risks, interest rates, credit risk, tax implications, and fees associated with bond funds.
Corporate Bonds: Risks and Rewards Explained
Learn about the risks and rewards of corporate bonds, as well as the factors that can influence their performance. Understand the risks of default, interest rate, credit, and duration, and the rewards of income, capital appreciation, diversification, and tax benefits.
Emerging Market Bonds: Opportunities for Diversification
Learn about the benefits of investing in emerging market bonds, including higher returns, diversification, reduced volatility, and tax-efficiency. Also, consider the key considerations when selecting emerging market bonds, including credit risk, currency risk, market risk, and investment objectives.
How to Use Fixed-Income Investments for Retirement Income
Learn about fixed-income investments and how to use them for retirement income. Discover the different types of fixed-income investments, including bonds, CDs, and money market accounts. Find out how to use fixed-income investments effectively and consider diversification, income generation, and tax benefits.